Recursive seqs
Recursively defined sequences are pretty but difficult to get right when you don’t want to assign the sequence to a var. Here is a couple of macros to ease recursive definitions.
(defmacro rec-cat "Similar to lazy-cat but binds the resulting sequence using the supplied binding-form, allowing recursive expressions. The first collection expression must not be recursive and must return a non-nil seq." [binding-form expr & rec-exprs] `(let [rec-rest# (atom nil) result# (lazy-cat ~expr (force @rec-rest#)) ~binding-form result#] (swap! rec-rest# (constantly (delay (lazy-cat ~@rec-exprs)))) result#)) (defmacro rec-cons "Similar to lazy-cons but binds the resulting sequence using the supplied binding-form, allowing recursive expressions. The first expression must not be recursive and must return a non-nil seq." [binding-form expr & rec-exprs] `(let [rec-rest# (atom nil) result# (lazy-cons ~expr (force @rec-rest#)) ~binding-form result#] (swap! rec-rest# (constantly (delay (lazy-cat ~@rec-exprs)))) result#))
Natural numbers (just like (iterate inc 0)
(rec-cons naturals 0 (map inc naturals))
fibonnaci sequence:
(rec-cat fibs [0 1] (map + fibs (rest fibs)))
(defn reduction "Returns a lazy seq of the intermediate values of the reduction (as per reduce) of coll by f, starting with init." ([f coll] (if (seq coll) (rec-cons reductions (first coll) (map f reductions (rest coll))) (cons (f) nil))) ([f init coll] (rec-cons reductions init (map f reductions coll))))